
Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Cuban students in solidarity


Hundreds of students gathered at the University of Havana to condemn the police repression of US student protesters and show their support for Palestine. 

On the same steps, students were repressed by the Batista dictatorship in the 1950s — one of the sparks of the Cuban revolution.

All over the world people of good heart and soul are on the streets.

But those in power in Tel Aviv, Washington, London and Brussels push the war on Palestine with frozen hearts.

They reveal their true agenda to drive Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank. The zionists wish to create 'Greater Israel' at any cost. An ever expanding western military base in the region.

But Israel is digging their own grave. The zionists have put their nation's future on the line and by doing so have exposed their cold soul to the entire globe. 

Israel has lost the war and they have lost the public relations battle. People have become sick of the constant stream of lies coming from the zionists.

‘No Partial Deals’

Umm Khalid Shahada also wants the war to stop.

“We do not want a partial ceasefire deal, followed by a continuation of the war on Gaza as it happened last November,” she told The Palestine Chronicle.

“Hamas’ demands – stopping the war, Israel’s withdrawal, and the return of the refugees – are the demands of every Palestinian who has lived through pain and hardship during this horrific war,” Umm Khalid continued.

 On Tuesday, Esteban Carrillo, a Beirut-based Ecuadorian journalist and current editor for The Cradle, joined Sputnik’s Fault Lines to discuss the ongoing attacks on Rafah, as well as the political implications that those attacks will pose on US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“For weeks now, there's been this effort to make it seem like it's Hamas that doesn't want a deal, that they don't want to sit down at the table to accept Israeli demands. Where, in reality, it's the opposite,” Carrillo explained. “Hamas has been very steadfast in what they're asking for. And it's Israel who doesn't want a lasting ceasefire. This is really the crux of the issue here.”

What's next?

Will western colonial powers (now entering serious decline) have the courage to force the zionist global cabal to stop their madness?

Will the Biden administration and Congress have the guts to reject the current orders from AIPAC to support the zionist genocide of the Palestinian people to the final end?

Time will tell. 

In the meantime we must stay in the streets and force our collective corporate dominated governments to change policy or face even more severe social disruptions.


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