
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Photo precedes the onslaught


Photo by M.H.


This image was among pictures that were in a photo essay in the West Bank. This picture was taken in 2013.

Fast forward to 2023, and we are now seeing the unthinkable. This photo is a symbolic truth that rattles the soul. This time it is in broad daylight, day after day after day, as the whole world is watching.
The pictures and the stories will last forever, as they will be kept safely in archives all over the world, so they will never be forgotten. 
The United States is an accomplice-- a country who helps another country commit a horrifying crime. That is what an Empire does, unapologetically, in spite of what our immoral political leaders are saying. 
That is part of the lying choreographed presentation to the American people. It is preordained, like a plague.
Mike Hastie
Medic Viet Nam 

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