
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Move to Rafah and die


A woman from the Palestinian Ashour family holds the body of a baby who was killed in Israeli bombardment, on 14 December 2023, at Najar hospital in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip (AFP)
Israel tells Gaza residents to move to the Rafah border with Egypt. 

The idea was to force Egypt to open the border and drive the people into the desert. Egypt refused the gimmick. 

So what does Israel do? They are now bombing the shit out of Rafah. Just like they did in Khan Younis. The IOF told people from north Gaza to go there and then bombed them. Including the schools and hospitals.

What does this tell you about the so-called 'brave IOF military'? They bomb from the sky with US supplied bombs and kill Palestinians like ducks in a small pond. It's evil.  

Yesterday White House staffers held a protest (with masks on to hide their identity) just outside the White House fence criticizing the Zionist Biden/Blinken cabal. 

But does anyone listen? No! Largely because the Zionist lobby (AIPAC and others) are running the show inside the White House, Congress and the mainstream media. 

They want Palestinian blood and they want US taxpayers to cover the costs. The Zionists are getting everything they demand and the US reputation around the globe is in tatters as a result!

People throughout the world, if you want to stop this genocide, please help do the following:   

  • Boycott all American corporation products. No more Coke, Pepsi, McDonald's, Starbucks, Disney, Heinz, etc
  • Join the BDS movement
  • Protest endlessly outside US embassies in every world capital  
  • Demand that your government break diplomatic relations with Israel and the US
  • Demand your country 'dump the dollar' like BRICS-plus nations are doing
  • If you live in the US tell both corporate dominated war parties that you will under no circumstances vote for either of them again - for president, Congress, local elections, even for dog catcher 
  • Keep protesting and if anyone tells you that these protests are 'antisemitic' tell them to take a hike
  • Continue to share the long history of Zionist colonization of Palestine, at least since the 1948 Nakba
  • Remind people that recent polls taken in the US show, such as in a YouGov poll, the margin favoring a cease-fire was 65 percent to 16 percent. In the Ipsos poll, 68 percent of people agreed that “Israel should call a cease-fire and try to negotiate.”
  • Help block cargo shipments of weapons on ships to Israel
  • Demand the US Congress stop all funding to Israel (and Ukraine and Taiwan, etc)
  • Keep sharing info and talking to others about these Israel-US war crimes 
  • Don't forget the West Bank that is now increasing being attacked daily 
  • Be wary of the corporate media. 
  • Demand that international legal bodies file war crimes charges against Israel-US
  • Show courage and stand in solidarity with the beleaguered Palestinian people

If I forgot any important ideas please let me know.

In the immortal words of the late Dominican Sister Ardeth Platte, "We are a killing nation, we can kill them fast or we can kill them slow". 

The perfect description of what is happening in Palestine.



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