
Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Lisa Savage on war$ in Palestine & Ukraine


Our latest Global Network Space Alert podcast interview is with board member Lisa Savage from Solon, Maine. Lisa also serves as the GN's Social Media Coordinator.
Bruce Gagnon hosts the show and asks Lisa about her views on the Israel-US assault on Gaza which is drawing enormous international outrage.
In addition they talk about the collapsing US-UK-EU war on Russia using Ukraine as the hammer. Is the clear failure of this war (Russia is stronger than ever) another sign of U.S. imperial decline?
The last topic they discuss is the rapid expansion of construction of rocket launch sites around the globe - even in the state of Maine.
There is a common theme with these launch sites - local communities are promised they will be for 'civilian launches only' but in every case they turn out to be for military missions.
Examples of this are Rocket Lab in New Zealand and Kodiak Island, Alaska. A proposed launch site in the state of Maine, being sold as civilian, has now been been proven that the plan is to hoist Space Force surveillance satellites into space.
Even in pristine Jeju Island, South Korea an offshore launch platform (within clear view from the land) just days ago sent up its first military surveillance satellite into space that will be used in any US-NATO war with China and/or North Korea.

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