
Saturday, December 23, 2023

German industrial & political break down coming


Germany's 'traffic light coalition' has mounting problems as Chancellor Scholz suffers from serious negative ratings these days with the public. 

Berlin has repeatedly made major miscalculations in pushing the Ukraine war on Russia. In addition Scholz went strangely silent as Biden and his henchmen blew up the Nordstream pipeline which was their source of relatively cheap natural gas. Now major industries are starting to leave the country for brighter prospects elsewhere.

How is that expensive LNG from the United States working out this winter?

I read yesterday that the foolish Germans will be sending 5,000 troops to Lithuania just 20 km from Russia's western most exclave, Kaliningrad. Is Berlin suicidal? It appears to be so.

Moscow has long warned that the movement of NATO capabilities to the east of Europe is a red line not to be crossed.

I guess Berlin didn't learn much from the US-NATO disastrous war in Ukraine - nor its catastrophic loss in WW2.

They keep trying to start a full-blown WW3. I guess they figure, in the immortal words of Scotland's Sir Robert Bruce, 'If you don't at first succeed - try, try again'. 

F-16's to the rescue

The Netherlands is about to begin the delivery of US-made F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

The EU nation is one of Kiev’s backers that pledged to provide it with the warplanes over the next few years, along with Denmark, Norway, and Belgium.

Anyone wish to take bets on how long these planes will last?

At the same time many are wondering how much longer the Z-man can remain in power in Kiev. The knives appear to be out for him these days as his US-NATO backed military is falling apart. Their economy is in shambles as well.

It appears the west intends to install a new dictator in Kiev, supply them with more weapons, and order the 17-70 year old poorly trained army to rush headlong into another ill-fated round of 'counter-offensives' in a desperate hope to 'force regime change' in Moscow.

The declining western bloc really wants control of Russia's vast resource base (especially in the rapidly melting Arctic zone) and appear determined to risk the EU's future on this forlorn gambit.



Germany, must like most of the EU, is supporting Israel's genocide in Palestine. Many European nations have vainly tried to outlaw solidarity protests with the battered people in Gaza and the West Bank. Most EU nations refuse to support a ceasefire which could bring an end to the planned extermination. 

In the end the EU (like the US and Israel) are just cutting their on throats. The Global South is getting repeated doses of long-familiar BS from the western colonizers who ushered in more than 500 years of theft, exploitation and endless war$.

Some folks are just slow learners.

I pray that our peace loving friends in Europe don't get rounded up and put on ice by the EU 'leaders' who profess to the world their love for 'democracy'.

Most sensible people around the globe want nothing to do with their trick pony called the 'rules based order'.

It stinks of hypocrisy and is doomed to failure - at long last.

May the end to western exceptionalism come before our lovely spinning planet is burned to a crisp.


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