
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

See how they lie?



Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert caught lying by reporter. Notice that since the IDF has destroyed north Gaza, and sent one million refugees to the south, now Olbert says 'the real Hamas HQ is in the south'. (See here for article/videos about IDF attacks on Khan Yunis in south Gaza.)

This is the kind of media deception that Israel is famous for - all to hide 100 years of colonization of Palestine.

But now the world sees the mass genocide right before our eyes and is speaking out loudly. Jewish organizations full of young people are also engaged in defending the Palestinian people.

Thousands of Israeli's have left the country since October 7. The economy there is in trouble. How much longer will Biden (and the Dems and Repubs) keep sending money and weapons? At the same time there are staff revolts underway in the State Department and in congressional offices in Washington?

Time reports:  As of late this past week, one open letter had been endorsed by 650 staffers of diverse religious backgrounds from more than 30 federal agencies, organizers said. The agencies range from the Executive Office of the President to the Census Bureau and include the State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development and the Department of Defense.

A Biden political appointee who helped organize the multiagency open letter said the president's rejection of appeals to push Netanyahu for a long-term cease-fire had left some federal staffers feeling “dismissed, in a way.”

“That’s why people are using all sorts of dissent cables and open letters. Because we’ve already gone through the channels of trying to do it internally,” this person said.

We must keep the pressure on own governments by demanding Israel STOP their war crimes and be held accountable for them internationally.

Israeli leadership is sounding the horn for 'endless war' against Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and even Egypt, to grab more land for 'Greater Israel'. US taxpayers are expected to cover the mounting costs - with some help from the UK and EU as well.

It's up to us around the globe to stop Israel's version of 'manifest destiny' from destroying us all. 

Keep paddling.


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