
Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Another arrogant Zionist American sighting....

 Part one

Video footage shows a man, identified as Stuart Seldowitz, a former national security advisor to President Obama, who also worked at the US State Department under three U.S. presidents (Clinton, Bush, Obama) expressing extreme anti-Islamic sentiments towards an Egyptian man running a halal food cart in New York City, USA.
Seldowitz ominously threatened the vendor with dire consequences from the Egyptian intelligence service, including potential harm and torture to the man's father in Egypt. 
Part two

In a second incident, former Obama adviser Stuart Seldowitz came back to harass and threaten the same vendor. He can be heard saying that "if we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn't enough."
He came back a third time but some man passing by chased Seldowitz away from the vendor's food cart. 
This crude arrogance comes from someone who feels a strong sense of 'racist entitlement' - something that many working at high levels for the deep state in Washington are full of.

Following the public disclosure of Seldowitz's antics from these rudimentary but import videos we now learn that a lobbying firm in Washington DC has cut him loose.

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