
Saturday, January 07, 2023

Out my window


It snowed again last night and this morning it is so beautiful outside. Quiet, fresh white snow, the world feels safe to me in these fleeting moments.

I'm having trouble these days. I feel the descending fog of depression come over me as I read the latest threats from the US-NATO against Russia. More weapons from Washington, Paris, London and Berlin on the way to the Nazi-led puppet army. (Denmark, Finland and Poland are also considering arming Kiev forces with some battle tanks.) The constant refrain from the west is that it will be a long war

There is even still talk of the US deploying nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Already the US has them in Turkey, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and soon the UK.

The continual shelling of the Donbass kills more civilians each day.  In recent times the Kiev regime has shelled the largest and most important hospital in Donetsk two days in a row. Schools and playgrounds have been shelled with weapons provided by the west. See more on this story here

The Russians offered a 36-hour ceasefire for the Orthodox Christmas holiday but Zelensky (under orders from Washington I am certain) turned it down. In fact just one minute after the ceasefire was to begin at midnight the Ukrainian army shelled civilian targets again in Donetsk.

I've noted in recent weeks how major US peace groups in the US and Europe have been repeatedly calling for a ceasefire for Xmas. Some of them included these calls with an appeal for funds for their 'work to stop the war'. 

Once Russia declared the holiday ceasefire and the US and Ukraine trashed the proposal I've not seen many (if any at all) angry responses from these same groups calling out the US-NATO for refusing the offer. I might have missed something - let me know if I did.

My point though is sadly many so-called peace groups hit the Russia demonizing mantra repeatedly no matter what Moscow does. This has been happening ever since the US orchestrated coup in Kiev in 2014. When Russia repeatedly offered serious negotiations proposals to prevent this war hardly any mainstream peace groups even made note.

These proposals included mutual security for Russia, Ukraine and Europe. They called for a rollback of NATO expansion, no NATO military operations in Ukraine, the closure of US missile launch bases now deployed in Romania and Poland (a Cuban missile crisis in reverse) and much more.

This whole war could have possibly been prevented had western 'peace groups' fought to make those serious and rational proposals by Moscow a priority. But they didn't because the proposals came from Moscow and most of these groups (whose constituencies at least in the US are predominantly loyal Democrat party members, and key funders of these groups) largely ignored them.

I've seen recent national polls that show that Biden's war on Russia is supported in large percentages by self described liberals. I can damn near guarantee that if Trump was the current president, and waging a war against Russia, most of these liberals would be howling angry and calling for an end to the war.

Political party in the US trumps good sense, rationality and peaceful foreign policies.

So all of this makes me despair for our future.

The US and the EU cannot abide by the coming multi-polar world. They are determined to claw and fight Russia, China, Iran and others in the global south every step of the way.

Will the recent change in the House of Representatives to Republican control change any of this? Will the Repubs stop the flood of weapons and money to Ukraine? See ZeroHedge article on the concessions made by the Repubs to end their Speaker of the House standoff here

We shall see soon enough.



  1. We never hear or read of Ukrainian shelling of civilian targets in Western media.
