
Thursday, December 29, 2022

The position of the Hungarian Community for Peace



The key to peace

The key to peace is guaranteeing Russia's security. As long as Washington does not stop arming Ukraine, and even supplies Kiev with a medium-range Patriot missile, an immediate cease-fire and peace negotiations will remain empty words. We must realize that it is in vain that we want peace in our neighbors if our own allies do not want to end the war. 

The Western elite lulls themselves into the illusion that they can win the war and defeat Russia. The Hungarian Community for Peace constantly warns the government not to lose its sense of reality, as happens with many of its NATO partners. Anyone who talks about Russian aggression and turns a blind eye to the non-fulfillment of the Minsk agreement, the massacre of 15,000 Russians in the Donbass, and vetoes Ukraine's NATO membership only because Kyiv terrorizes the Transcarpathian Hungarians, is hardly a sincere supporter of peace! 

This is indicated by the fact that the Hungarian Parliament is preparing to ratify the expansion of NATO with Finland and Sweden. The Hungarian government, like its Western allies, is not serious about a political settlement with a mutual guarantee of security. At Christmas, Putin reached out again and said he was ready to negotiate an end to the war. The Western answer is no and no. Our government is reluctant to take the necessary step: to recognize the legitimacy of Russian security claims. In the absence of a compromise, Russia will enforce its will with a gun because it has the same right to be safe as anyone else.

It has been a year since Moscow asked Washington and Brussels in writing to conclude an agreement so that NATO does not threaten Russia along its borders, Ukraine ceases to be a battering ram of NATO, and a European security system is born in which no country can assert its security at the expense of the security of other countries. 

We all know the answer of the West: NATO was not willing to give up on the integration of Ukraine, nor on its further expansion to the east, but, on the contrary, took the direction of dismembering Russia and seizing its natural resources. US-EU had a nonsensical negotiation with Moscow, trying to buy more time to strengthen the Ukrainian army against the Russians, and Moscow decided that enough was enough. Since then, the Hungarian government has acknowledged that NATO does not want to compromise. 

Our government is afraid that if it takes the inevitable step, NATO itself will lose its meaning and our country will become neutral. We wouldn't see anything wrong with that! According to our position, it is in the interest of our country to live in good relations with both the East and the West. No one should impose sanctions on us, hinder our development, the free movement of people, goods, capital, or interfere in our internal affairs. Our national interest is cooperation instead of confrontation! 

What we are not interested in is the exact opposite. The Hungarian Community for Peace starts from the premise that Hungary's interest is equal, peaceful cooperation with everyone.

Budapest, 27 December 2022

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