
Wednesday, December 28, 2022

No U.S. nukes in Europe - No WW 3



This short animated video reviews the new nuclear warheads the United States is deploying in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Turkey (and very likely UK too) without the people's knowledge or consent. 

Who are these nukes being aimed at?


Good luck if you happen to think that the US is truly 'liberating' Ukraine with its proxy war on Russia. And even more good luck to you if you believe that Washington won't use nukes to try to take out Moscow. You will need extraordinarily good luck if you think that a full-blown red-hot nuclear war would be survivable!

So what is left?

Stop NATO. Stop sending US taxpayer dollars down the rat hole in Ukraine. Stop buying the non-stop BS from the corporate media and so-called 'progressive media' like Democracy Now and other compromised sources. Check their donors if you doubt me.

Demand a halt to the absolutely massive trillion dollar annual appropriations for the Pentagon.

Stop voting for politicians (from either party) who are clearly corporate agents and have turned the national treasury over to the warmongers.

Stop spouting the neo-con endless lies.

Go hold a sign on a street corner saying 'No war with Russia' or 'Bring our war $$$$ Home'.

Maybe if we do these things we could rebuild the currently disabled and divided peace movement that has largely been corrupted by the oligarchic agenda.

Possibly then we could live thru the coming year that at this point looks to be 'full steam ahead' toward WW 3.

Best wishes to all of us.


PS Moscow is not likely to ever agree to a 'ceasefire' as long as the US-NATO keep flooding Ukraine with more weapons systems that are used to attack the Russian-ethnic regions of eastern Ukraine (Donbass) and lately even hitting targets inside of Russia

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