
Sunday, December 04, 2022

Macron's embarrassing trip to Washinton



Unfortunately for France and the entire EU, the only thing that Emmanuel Macron could get from the Americans during his recent trip to Washington was a grandiose and extremely expensive dinner in his honor. Even though, the purpose of the trip of the French president to the United States was not at all the acquisition of gastronomic pleasures. 

What exactly was the French president trying so hard to convince Biden of? And why was he sorely disappointed in the end? 

The three-day visit of the French President to the United States ended in absolutely nothing. Observing the pro-government press and media, which in France, even the smallest success of the government, are trained to report to the public with pomp and fanfare, it becomes clear that now they have decided to practically not touch on the topic of Emmanuel Macron's visit to the United States. 

And this despite the fact that high hopes were pinned on this visit. 

The public pressure is growing on the EU leadership to stop acting as Washington's lapdogs. But they are running out of time as the sanctions blow-back on the EU is engulfing the continent like a dark angry cloud.

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