
Thursday, December 01, 2022

Has Berlin forgotten WW II?



A leaked confidential strategy paper shows Germany is preparing for a potential war with Russia. 

As it boosts its budget and plans to become the world’s third-biggest military spender. Germany’s top newspaper Der Spiegel obtained a leaked confidential strategy paper that reveals the country’s military is preparing for a potential war with Russia. 

The German military, the Bundeswehr, released the secret 68-page document internally in September.

The Bundeswehr chief, Inspector General Eberhard Zorn, warned that Germany could be attacked, and he proposed plans for a future armed conflict with Russia. The report claims that Germany faces “existential” threats. The document opens stating, “War in Europe is a reality again.” It predicts that the most likely scenario would be a conflict with Russia on NATO’s eastern flank. 

Der Spiegel noted that the strategy paper stresses the need for “deterrence.” 

In the past few decades, the German military has focused on small, specialized units, but this report says the armed forces will now prioritize training large units that are always ready for war. The document reaffirms the Bundeswehr’s commitment to the US-led NATO cartel, but also makes it clear that Berlin is beginning to consider its own strategic autonomy independent of Washington. 

Der Spiegel summarized the document as an outline for a “mega-reform” of the armed forces. The Germany newspaper has not translated the article into English, and the striking report got almost no coverage in the English-language press.

Germany will also speed up the procurement of US-made F-35 fighter jets to maintain its capability to deploy nuclear weapons as part of NATO’s shared deterrence, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has said. 

Russia perceives the global expansion of the US-led military bloc’s reach as a major threat. Moscow spent $77 billion on its military in 2022 while the US Pentagon budget was well over $1.2 trillion (once you add up the hidden pots of gold in various other department budgets like nuclear weapons spending in the Department of Energy).  

It appears the Nazis are today running the government in Berlin and many of the world's governments.


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