
Monday, December 12, 2022

First snow



We had our first snow last night here in Brunswick, Maine. A dusting as it is called. As I write this the temperature is 22 degrees Fahrenheit. The snow will not likely last long as the sun is shining. It's always quite special to see the snow - especially as we approach Christmas. I still get sentimental this time of year. 

My son Julian will be here for 10 days starting next week. He's in the states after being in Taiwan and Cambodia for the last seven years or so. He teaches and enjoys Asian cultures. It will be great to see him in person again.

One of my five sisters will also be with us during the same time so it will be a lovely family time for all of us. Another of my sisters has baked our mother's traditional holiday cookies and a box of them is now in the mail.


PS   The US-EU-NATO are edging up to creating a war between Kosovo and Serbia - likely as a 2nd front to force Russia to help Serbia. These western elites seem determined yet to start WW III. You can get an idea about what is going on here

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