
Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The West's weaponisation of 'womens rights' to destabilize Iran


Interview with Vanessa Beeley on the 'color revolution' playbook now targeting Iran again

Last night I spoke with RT about the weaponisation of ‘womens rights’ to foment regime change in Iran. I mention the work done by Mnar Adley of Mint Press News to expose Washington’s hands behind the ‘uprising’:

    Western media have treated Masih Alinejad as a representative of the Iranian protests even though she works for the U.S. government and doesn’t live in Iran.

    I have looked into her past for MintPress News along with our staff writer Alan MacLeod to understand how she became the figurehead of a global protest movement targeting Iran with calls for regime change.

    After the tragic death of #MahsaAmini in September, Voice of America Persia anchor Masih Alinejad took part in a media campaign blaming Iranian police for Amini’s death and encouraging people across the world to protest the Iranian government.

    Masih Alinejad is an Iranian-American public figure on the payroll of the US government.

    She’s also a significant part of the U.S. influence-peddling machine that has been pursuing regime change in Iran for decades. Her employer, Voice of America Persia, is part of an international network of propaganda-producing organizations originally created by the CIA.

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