
Thursday, October 20, 2022

Playing poker on the Titanic


ain't so wise,
no matter what NPR says.
Same goes for Brandon
who has trouble
just reading his
CIA approved lines.
Elections looming,
dark days expected
for the Dems,
the Repubs are nothing
to cheer about either.
We ain't got
many choices here
in the land of the free
and home of the exceptionals.
White House pushes
Russia blame
into virtually every conversation...


Tuesday I attended a public discussion with US, Denmark, and Greenland government representatives about 'cooperative relations' in the Arctic region. 

Was held at Bowdoin College.

Three of our local activists were there, two of us spoke up during Open Mic time.

Former US Senator from Alabama (Doug Jones), Rep. Chellie Pingree from Maine, the Greenlandic Permanent Secretary, a 30-year US AID Senior Deputy (civilian side of the CIA) , and Danish Arctic Ambassador were on the panel.


They met privately before the public meeting. They were talking about resource extraction in Greenland - especially now that the west is recognizing they can't 'regime change' Moscow - though the nasty effort will continue for some time. One Bowdoin geology student confirmed the real agenda after an innocent comment about having been in Greenland last summer digging around and recording locations of rare earth mineral deposits.

US AID is involved to quietly dig into the Greenland population - find out which decision makers need to be paid off and which ones need to be neutralized or eliminated. 

Former Sen. Doug Jones (US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs) bragged about having been a Bowdoin College student 20 years ago. His job was to glad-hand the crowd with appeals for the students to join the foreign service and for 'everyone to vote' in November.

In my brief 'non-question' I stated that Russia has the world's largest border with the Arctic. Due to melting ice the fossil fuel masters want to drill-baby-drill in that region. But Russia must be regime changed first, before being broken up into smaller nations. 

I also stated that Russia being removed from the international 'Arctic Council' made no sense because of its huge border with the region. And I said, when the US invaded Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria nobody kicked Washington out of international organizations.

The RAND Corporation, I said, did a study in 2019 calling for Overextending and Unbalancing Russia. RAND, I said, is predominately funded by the Pentagon. The study essentially says the US will use Ukraine as a tool to destabilize Russia.

I also reported to the audience of 75-100 people (mix of community elders, students, bureaucrats, and active military) that on the same day that Russia launched its 'Special Military Operation' (SMO) the US-NATO began a war game called 'Cold Response' on the Russian and Norwegian border.

After I spoke Doug Jones responded by saying that the US does not want regime change in Russia. I guess he was flying high when Joe Biden declared that Putin was going, going, gone. Jones also said that Russia must respect the rule of law and 'not attack others borders'. Had to restrain myself after that bit of blarney.

Our own Congresswoman Pingree did her usual pandering to liberals by saying nice things about her climate change concerns but then gleefully expounded on the joys of Maine's future role being 'on the front lines' of the western operation to control the Arctic Sea. 

So Washington
tries to stay relevant
appearing fair and
when necessary,

but willing to bust skulls
with spiked baseball bats
if needed to enforce
collapsing empire.



  1. John Pilger writes in

    In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler's leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the Nazis. We happened to be staying at the same lodge in Kenya, where she was on a photography assignment, having escaped the fate of other friends of the Fuhrer.

    She told me that the 'patriotic messages' of her films were dependent not on 'orders from above' but on what she called the 'submissive void' of the German public.

    Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? I asked.

    'Yes, especially them,' she said.

  2. Time to align w the Freedom Caravaners, then!
