
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Media merry-go-round of lies


OMG - America is sicker than I even imagined.....

The empire of lies has topped the charts on this one.

This is a must watch video that exposes the absolute slavery and corruption of the corporate owned media.

When you see this range of message coordination it becomes obvious that CIA, Madison Avenue and Hollywood neo-con bought operatives are writing the lines being regurgitated by the media talking heads.

This reveals the total desperation that Washington, London and Brussels are gripped with - fear of losing their global control. They are slipping and turning to outrageously dangerous escalations like the Nordstream pipelines and the Kerch Bridge.

What comes next? Dirty bombs or flooding Kherson region after blowing up a dam?

It's really quite sad and anger making. 

I could not be more ashamed of how this country of my birth has become such an evil, divisive, greedy, killing and thieving place. Capitalism and a misplaced sense entitlement has poisoned our national soul.

There is no other way to see this. It is as it seems.

The United States is a pirate nation. A terrorist nation. Yes, we are #1 for certain.


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