
Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Question time: Please define Mr. Big......


  • OK. I've heard your questions about what I mean by Mr. Big. I use the expression frequently to share my feelings about the current corporate oligarchic takeover of the US and most nations around the globe. So feel free to pick one or more explanations below that work for you.

Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Bottled Water, Big Oil, Big MIC, Big Box, Big Deal, Big Tech, Big Media, Big Hollywood, Big Sugar, Big Auto, Big Airlines, Big Banksters, Big Intel, Big Tobacco, Big Chemical, Big Sex, Big Courts, Big Corruption.... 

  • One question that is quite current is this one: 'Biden might be half-asleep but he's not really that stupid is he to start a war with Russia? What is really going to happen in Ukraine?'

My guess is that Biden is not in charge. The CIA runs the show. Who is Secretary of State Antony Blinken anyway? Did you ever hear of him before he got plunked into his current post? Have you watched him smirk every time he talks with a Russian or Chinese diplomat? These people in Washington are not serious about calming tensions. They don't really negotiate anything. Hell, they want to ramp up chaos everywhere! 

OK, I'll get to your question. Will there be war? The CIA & State Department neo-cons know they can't beat Russia or China. They couldn't beat Afghanistan after 20 years. But they are good at the slow bleed and that is their goal with Russia. Washington though would not mind if Ukraine attacked Crimea for example - which would mean that Moscow would hit back hard. Then the US-NATO war machine would squeal like a pig and go running back to the UN and demand more sanctions on Moscow. Plus we'd see further expansion of NATO - not only along the Russian border but also into the Asia-Pacific to 'protect us from an aggressive China' as well. And of course Washington will squeal to the EU and pressure Germany to cancel the Nordstream-2 pipeline that is to deliver Russian natural gas.


Now that the Biden-Putin 'summit' took place I expect that nothing much will happen. Russia won't attack unless attacked. In late November the western media said Russia would attack Ukraine on December 1, 2 or 3. Didn't happen. Now the same media is saying it will happen in January or February. (They can drag this game out for months distracting us from all kinds of issues they don't want people to notice.) When the 'last deadline' passes with no Russia offensive we'll likely hear from the western media that Moscow didn't attack because of the 'tough threats' from Biden to Putin. This is the game Washington plays.


  • Here is another question: 'Hey, what is going on with V-P Harris? Some of her top staff are quitting and not saying very nice things about her?'

My guess is that Harris was only put on the ticket to draw black votes during the last election. She has never had favorable ratings with the public so the word is out that she will be kicked-off the ticket in the next presidential election. Thus her staff are jumping ship. Biden will be gone as well. So it will be a clean slate for the Dems as they try to resurrect their flagging hold on Congress and the White House. 

It's too early to predict who the Dems will turn to - their stable is quite empty. One could guess the Dems will try Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg but he has no national base,  although the media could push him hard. Maybe they will bring back Hillary Clinton - ha, ha. It certainly won't be Tulsi Gabbard who is toying with the Republicans these days. Really I can't think of a single Dem national leader of any consequence. Can you? How about former Gov. Andrew Cuomo? Oops, not gonna be him either.....


  • Another question: 'I'm not a religious person but is it possible for us to love one another instead of treating each other with disdain?'

I like your question. Yeah, can't we all get along? Actually I started out as a Young Republican in 1968 working on the Nixon campaign. What did I know at the time? Not much. My point though is I've found good, well meaning people in every turn during my life. As a young repub, in the military, in all my years as an organizer. I've even met some nice cops now and then. 

During the early 1990's, while organizing a protest at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, we forgot our big banner at the front gate. I called the head of security and asked if he had seen it. He said, 'Let me look around.' He called me right back and said, 'Meet me at Sonny's BBQ in Cocoa Beach and I'll give it to you.'  We became friendly over time. He respected what we were trying to do.

If you get past the surface you never know what you will find. Stay open, don't fall for the 'divide and conquer' BS,  treat everyone the same way you'd like to be treated. Love thy neighbor. Take the log out of your own eye. Turn the other cheek. 

Be a human being.

  • Final question: 'How do you expect us to stop all the crazy crap I read about on this blog? What is the magic bullet?'

There is none. No full-page advert in the New York Times will solve our problems. No magical election of the perfect politician will do it. No hero riding in on a white horse is coming to save us. 

But if we want to move the public we need to create experiences where people can see things for themselves. That is the way most people learn and change - by having experiences that bring them a sense of reality.  Each of us have gifts - we need to honor them and use them for the greater good. We all need to be bolder - time is short.


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