
Friday, November 05, 2021

Message from Australia


Dear Comrades and peace friends, 

I am writing to you all as comrades and peace movement activists I have come to trust and respect for different numbers of years. I hope you feel the same among yourselves in your separate countries.

Our three governments are involved in the AUKUS pact and all that implies for regional security (and survival) and for Australian jobs, dollars, sovereignty, nuclear waste and much more.

We have formed a coalition in Sydney (Sydney Anti-AUKUS Coalition - SAAC) and hope for a national network to be established soon. A lot of research has been done and is being shared to educate our supporters. They are still far too few however. 

I am involved in working to bring environmentalists into the campaign so we have co-operating peace and green streams. This is going well – but my other area of trying to see if we can encourage Labor Party grass roots opposition to AUKUS is proving more difficult for a variety of reasons.

I am writing now because SAAC has called for a national action on Saturday 11 December. Other groups in different centres are agreeing to join but one city wants to go on the evening of Friday 10 December as that is Human Rights Day – so we have moved to a national weekend of protest, 11 to 12 December.

I am writing now to ask if it is at all possible that an action/actions could be organised and publicised in your country on the same date. A co-ordinated event would, we think, draw more media and street attention and so spread our message wider and attract greater support – even if the numbers at this stage were not large.

We realise that time is short and that you may have other issues that take more attention at the moment – but we would appreciate an event that shows how the 3 countries are united against AUKUS.

With best wishes and solidarity to you all.

Hannah Middleton 

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