
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Difference between Space Command & Space Force


Another exceptional video by GN board member Will Griffin

Each month Afghanistan/Iraq war veteran Will Griffin makes another space issues video for the Global Network.
His latest tells the story about the history and role of the U.S. Space Command. (He also explains the confusing difference between the Space Command and the new Space Force.)

He uses historic film footage to illustrate the video which includes interviews with astronomer Carl Sagan, Ronald Reagan and more.

The GN has created quite a catalog of Will's videos which can be seen at our YouTube page here


What can we do to help?

  • You can first help by 'liking' the video and hitting the Subscribe button.
  • Please share this Blogpost link so that others might learn more about the dangerous Pentagon space 'control and domination' program.
  • How do we stop it? We've got to cut the Pentagon budget. Sadly at this moment Congress (Dems & Repubs) are under the thumb of the aerospace industry.
  • So our next best bet is to increase public awareness about this issue in hopes that will translate into pressure on Washington and beyond.
  • More protests are also needed at various military production facilities, Space Command/Space Force bases around the world, and universities where much space warfare research & development is underway with public tax dollars. 
  • We must also vigorously oppose the testing and deployment of new nuclear reactors in space that will be used for weapons and rockets to Mars.
  • We must internationalize opposition to an arms race in space. Tell your elected officials (in all nations) to support a new treaty (Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space - PAROS) at the United Nations. Russia and China have been proposing PAROS since 1984 while the U.S. and Israel routinely block it and then claim innocence.
  • We've got to put capitalism to rest. It's killing us. Stop privatization of space and Earth.
  • Finally your financial support for the Global Network helps us do even more organizing and outreach. We currently have one full-time coordinator and two part-time social media staffers. And we have two wonderful boards (Directors & Advisers) who do much to help.

Thanks and best wishes your way,

Bruce Gagnon

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