
Monday, October 18, 2021

Very important story - peace in the balance


  • Alexander Mercouris lays out the inside scoop from the ill-fated meeting of Biden's agent Victoria Nuland and Russian diplomats.

She went to lecture Russia and make demands on them to basically surrender to Washington's diktats. Those days are over - the multi-polar world has arrived and the US days of ruling the roost have flown away.

The bully-boy keeps kicking sand in Moscow and Beijing's faces while they steadily build international support for their policies. Other nations can see the US imperial collapse and they are slowly (but steadily) abandoning the US-NATO sinking war ship.

  • But, because of all these events Washington is more dangerous than ever before. Will the arrogant exceptionalists running the US government go to war with Russia and China? If they do we are all finished.

Democrats and Republican are knee-deep in this bullshit game they are playing these days.


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