
Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Jabbing away....


Jabbing away,
now the kids
lining up 
to take a shot,
young ones
who are more immune
from the ravages of covid 


We hear
more and more
that those who
willingly took the jab
are getting the virus
and now need 
a booster,
and probably another one
six months later....

For how long
will that go on?

I admit
I am suspicious
of the intentions
of big pharma

I must also admit
I never forgot that
former prez
George H. W. Bush,
after the White House,
joined the board of
Eli Lilly and Company,
big pharma corp

My point?
I believe
these corporations
have a political
an agenda that just 
might benefit
by having
a former prez
(especially one 
who ran the CIA)
on the board
That is just one case
among many other 
such examples
I am certain

1 comment:

  1. There are many, many other criminals who must be indicted and jailed for these crimes....crimes of murder and the intent to commit murder.
