
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Jeremy Corbyn: AUKUS is a 'disastrous mistake'

The announcement of AUKUS, the military partnership between the UK, the US and Australia, is a dangerous escalation in the West’s ongoing confrontation with China.

Watch back this CND and Stop the War emergency rally with a panel of experts and activists discussing the dangers ahead and how best to campaign against the risk of conflict.

If you don't wish to watch the entire webinar then I suggest to move forward to CND's Kate Hudson introducing former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn MP at 59:12

Speakers include Jeremy Corbyn MP; Marian Hobbs, former New Zealand Minister of Disarmament; Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP; Phyllis Bennis, US author and activist; Denis Doherty, Australian anti-bases campaign; Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies, Bradford University; Lindsey German, Stop the War; Jenny Clegg, China specialist, CND. 

Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.  

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