
Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Public comments now due on U.S. Hypersonic testing program



The US Army is taking public comments on their Hypersonic testing program until July 10.

Please send your comments immediately to the link just below. Feel free to use the talking points below as well.

Learn more about this environmental impact review process here



Regarding: Joint Flight Campaign PEA
Our organization opposes the proposed action which entails up to six Hypersonic flight test launches at up to four different launch locations per year, over the next 10 years. Test objectives are expected to dictate range selection from Atlantic and Pacific test ranges.
We believe the following:

  •     Testing of Hypersonics will dramatically escalate the nuclear arms race/new Cold War
  •     Our nation can’t afford another arms race – especially one in space
  •     We need to be spending our national treasury on dealing with our real enemy – climate crisis    and growing economic inequality
  •     Toxic rocket fuel exacerbates an already grave climate crisis
  •     It’s time the warmongers listened to the taxpayers

We support the No Action alternative.
In peace,

Bruce K. Gagnon
Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space 

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