
Monday, July 05, 2021

BIW's impact on Climate crisis


Planning for next BIW destroyer 'christening'

  • Eight people joined a Zoom call today to continue planning the legal rally at Bath Iron Works (BIW owned by General Dynamics) during the next destroyer 'christening' at the shipyard. (There are currently six destroyers under development at BIW.)
  • It was decided to dedicate this next protest to long-time BIW worker (and peace activist) Peter Woodruff who recently passed away.
  • The date of the BIW ceremony has not yet been announced but we've been told by the Bath police that it is likely to happen in July. Thus we have begun our planning process.
  • On the day of the event we will meet at the South Gate along Washington Street in Bath. We will hold a rally with speakers and music. Maine VFP will provide their sound system. The IDEAL Marching Band has tentatively agreed to come depending on their availability.
  • Two volunteers (Lisa & Sam) are working on the news release and other advance messaging.
  • Large banners will be hung from bridges in Bath early that morning. Bruce is coordinating that effort and so far Mark, Cynthia and Meredith have volunteered to be part of that team. Several more people will still be needed. Please let Bruce know if interested.
  • We brainstormed a good short 'Hash tag' for the event but are still looking for the perfect words. Let us know if you have any ideas.
  • Even though we don’t yet have a ‘date certain’ for the BIW ceremony we urge folks to help us pass the word about this upcoming event.   

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