
Monday, June 14, 2021

The mouthpieces of hell....a local angle


I'm not at all shocked that Wall Street and the London financial district, called the City of London, own the mainstream media.

So add BBC to that list above, and all the rest of the corporate media across the west.  Who owns Le Monde? Last I heard it was a weapons dealer.

One man in Maine owns all the papers (daily, weekly) except one (Bangor Daily News). Our local group, called Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks, for five years had a twice-a-month column in the local paper. But we lost it due to our activism.

Our supposed sin? We organized against a $60 million tax break for General Dynamics Corporation which owns Bath Iron Workers.  (At the shipyard the Navy builds destroyers loaded with 'missile defense' systems.) Our campaign forced $15 million to be cut from the final bill that was approved at our state capital in Augusta. Democrats in the Maine House and Senate led the bill thru the legislature. They are the 'liberals'.

The liberals tell us that they care so much about the poor, those whose minds have gone around the twist and are wandering the streets, and those stashed away in prisons. Sadly they say there is not enough money to help the truly in need. Our so-called liberal elected officials are consumed with begging for military production bucks while on their bended knees.

The real corporate goal is to thin the population of black, hispanic, native and poor white people. They are not needed anymore.  It's a war on the lower class ....neo-feudalism.  Don't believe it?  Just ask a robot or AI entrepreneur. The curtain is about to fall.


The newspapers here did just announce that the Navy flight team, the Blue Angels, will be coming to nearby Brunswick on September 4-5 for another airshow. (A protest will be held on the first day.) The only airshow in New England they declare. The cost of the event will be between $600,000-$700,000 and will be a serious contributor to climate crisis. The Pentagon has the largest carbon bootprint on the planet of any one entity. The news article made no mention of the airshow's link to this reality. 

Most environmental groups in Maine won't mention it either.  We reach out to them and they remain mum. Lips locked. Why?

It's all about cash in hand. If you want money for your 'progressive work' then you have to play with the Dems because that party controls the 'entry' to most unions, local foundations, and corporate donors. The Dems don't like it when environmental groups talk about the military.

All the while Rome is burning....where are the Dems? Out in a canoe with the media on Earth Day. 


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