
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

GN Annual Dues Reminder


Global Network Membership Form 2021

Membership in the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space is open to all individuals and organizations.  Find our affiliate list on our web page.


Please add____________________________________to the Global Network membership list.  (Individual/Organization Name)


Enclosed is our annual dues for 2021 in the amount of __________________ (pay what you can best afford on a sliding scale between $10 - $100).


Donations to the Global Network are tax deductible.  (If you have already recently donated for 2021 we thank you very much.)


(One easy way to donate is via the Internet.  Go to our web site and look for the green Donate Now! button and contribute with your credit card.  This is a secure process.)

You can also 'like' the Global Network on Facebook and follow us there.








State_______                   Zip____________     




Phone (      )____________________



Thank you for your support. 

** See our newsletter, Space Alert, on-line at this link    (Be patient as it takes a bit to load since it is a big file.)


Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 652
Brunswick, ME 04011
(207) 389-4606

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