
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Russia expert exposes U.S. lies


Ray McGovern was a Co-founder of VIPS - Veteran Intelligence Professionals For Sanity. 

He served as Chief of the Soviet Foreign Policy Desk at the CIA, was a CIA analyst for 27 years, and briefed Nixon, Ford, and Reagan daily.

Ray is a member of Veterans for Peace.

Ray explains that his long beard is being grown in solidarity with Julian Assange who is still being held inside a British prison on phony charges as a way to punish him for doing what any good journalist would do - give 'secret' information to the public that exposes the crimes of US and western governments in their endless wars for control of resources on behalf of corporate interests.

At the end of the interview Ray recites a beautiful Russian poem, and then translates it.   

He is a great story teller and fun to listen to - as well as an excellent teacher.

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