
Friday, December 04, 2020

A great man


I met Coleman McCarthy through his brother Dennis who lived in Vero Beach, Florida while I was coordinating the Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice.  Dennis arranged for Coleman to come to Orlando to speak at an event I organized for him.

Coleman, before being fired as a columnist for the Washington Post (because he was too radical), once wrote one of his nationally syndicated columns about my space issues work after the urging of his brother who supported my peaceful space efforts.

Dennis was a former Catholic priest who lived for many years in Latin America. After leaving the priesthood he moved to Florida where we became friends.  He invited me to come to Vero Beach and sat me down for a meeting of the 'Full Moon Society' that he and another man created to discuss meta-physical subjects. He introduced me to the work of Edgar Cayce and his Association for Research and Enlightenment. Dennis also turned me onto the foundational book by D. H. Lawrence called the 'Plumed Serpent' which has stayed with me over the years and guided me in many ways.

I'm sure you will enjoy the video above - quite a good plug for Coleman from the CBS Sunday morning show.  He surely deserves it.


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