
Friday, November 13, 2020

Oppose nomination of Michele Flournoy as Sec. of Defense


WHAT: Oppose Nomination of Michele Flournoy as Sec. of Defense
HOW: Contact your U.S. Senators (202) 224-3121 or click here

WHY:  Oppose hawkish Flournoy’s nomination because she wants to increase arms sales to Saudi Arabia to police the Middle East while the US pivots to Asia to escalate troop deployments for more “war games” in the South China Sea. 

Flournoy advocates: 

·      Preparation for multiple simultaneous large theater wars.

·      Pre-emptive unilateral military strikes.

·      Sale of more weapons to Saudi Arabia’s brutal regime in contrast to President-elect Joe Biden’s position to end US support for Saudi genocide in Yemen.

·      Escalation of provocative roving war games in the South China Sea, ramping up the risk of a hot war with China or North Korea, both nuclear powers.

·      Increased use of drone warfare.

·      Symbolizes the revolving door between Pentagon, consultants and military contractors.

·      Investment in new weapons systems when resources are urgently needed to address the climate crisis and COVID-19, etc.  

 WHEN: Call and email NOW as Biden will reportedly announce his cabinet choices as early as Thanksgiving. Biden’s nominees, to pass muster, must be approved by a majority of the Senate.

1 comment:

  1. I take it she is in the photo with the ones who should be serving time in prison.
