
Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Maine Senate race: 'best politics $$$ can buy'


Politics can be at times dirty & nasty and likely a reason why many people don't want to get involved or even vote.  They are disillusioned and often depressed over the choices the ruling elites allow to pass before our ballots at election time.

I once heard a leading representative of the oligarchs say that their long-term goal was to keep voters away from the polls by making the process so ugly that people will not participate, thus making it easier for Mr. Big to control the government.  It's like professional wrestling - a show to divide and distract.

From this clear understanding I make note of the following:

The poster above was photographed in the window of the health food store in Brunswick in the last couple of days.  Lisa Savage had been shopping and was approached by a recruiter as she was leaving the store.  She was offered a job at $24.50 an hour to knock on doors to give 'information on voting' and to promote Sara Gideon's campaign.  She told the recruiter that she was Lisa Savage and is running for the US Senate and would not need the job.  "Oh, I like your program," he replied.

I called the number on the flyer and a woman's voice answered the phone and asked who I wanted to speak to.  I replied that I was inquiring about the canvassing job.  The phone switched to a man who I then spoke to for quite some time.

I asked who CADC, LLC was and he replied it stood for 'California to DC' and they are the ones paying the 'Canvassers'.  Where do they get their money I asked?  He responded that they get their money from a PAC called 'Family Friendly Maine'.  

One has to wonder if this is laundered corporate money.

I asked what the canvassers do for $24.50 an hour.  He told me they go house-to-house of registered Democrats to 'gather information' about how they intend to vote.  If they voted already for Gideon, you mark that down and move on.  If they have not voted yet the canvasser is to 'give them information about voting and to hand out info about Gideon'.  

I asked if the canvassers told the voters about Ranked Choice Voting (RCV).  He said no, but if the voter asked they could explain it to them.

I told the man that I had heard about CADC, LLC from Lisa Savage.  The man said, "I like Lisa."

I thanked him for the information and said good-bye.  He quickly added before I hung up, "Let me know if you want a job." He had previously mentioned that the only requirement for the job was that you had to have your own car.  (I guess that even with her $64 million in campaign donations Sara Gideon is not providing transportation for her crew to drive around the state.)

These canvassers are the paid (mostly young) supporters of Gideon that have been holding huge signs in droves before the past debates.  

We've learned that the last debate, to be held someday (still secret) next week on WMTW-TV in Portland, will not be inviting Lisa Savage or Max Linn - both Independents.  The debate will be restricted to Susan Collins and Sara Gideon.   The lawyer for the TV station has issued a statement that his client had determined that Savage and Linn were not 'news worthy'.

So the corporate masters have decided for the voters of Maine who is indeed worthy and who is not.

If you still suffer from the belief in democracy, the belief in an informed citizenry, the belief in public debates with all qualified candidates, then you might wish to call WMTW at 207-835-3888 or email at


Addendum: Just got this message from a reliable source.  The story speaks for itself and shows how corrupt the Democratic Party truly is:

A canvasser from the Maine Democratic Party recently told a well known former [Democrat primary Senate] candidate that Lisa was not in the same race as Gideon and Collins. And then argued with them when they tried to set the canvasser straight!

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