
Friday, January 10, 2020

Not just cheap talk but the real deal for once

Dear Bruce,
I’m Lisa Savage, and I’m running for the US Senate seat currently held by Susan Collins. I’m a teacher, an organizer, and a grandmother, and I want to give Mainers a Senator who works for the people, not the powerful.
I teach in a low-income area, and I've been concerned for years about the well-being of the families in my area. They’re really struggling to survive. They don’t have adequate health care or jobs. Washington DC is failing them. They need real change.

As your voice in the Senate, I’ll do what it takes to protect our children’s future and create a better world for all of us.
But first we need to get on the ballot, meaning we need to collect at least 2,000 signatures from registered voters in the Maine Green Independent Party between January 1st and March 15th. 
Will you help by pledging your signature for our ballot petition - and pitching in to our ballot fund?

We deserve a government that works for us, not the big banks, weapons manufacturers, fossil fuel giants and corporate lobbyists who are calling the shots in Congress. That’s why my campaign won’t take money or support from corporate lobbyists, CEOs, or super PACs.

I believe, as residents of the richest country in the world, we all deserve the fundamentals of a secure life: good union jobs through a Green New Deal that will put millions to work tackling the climate crisis; a Medicare for All healthcare system that will work for everyone - unlike today’s broken system that drives sick people into bankruptcy; and quality education for all, including debt-free public higher education.
We’re facing a climate crisis that’s already harming our farms, fisheries, and coast. Our children are asking if they’ll have a planet they can live on.

Yet with all the urgent needs we face, Congress is making things worse by giving almost 60% of our federal discretionary budget to the Pentagon for endless, unwinnable wars that are making the world less safe.
It’s time to say no to politics as usual, and join together to work for a new system that puts people, planet and peace over profit. 
We have a historic opportunity in this race now that Maine has adopted Ranked Choice Voting. Our new and improved voting system gives everyone the freedom to vote their values, not their fears. 
A recent national poll found a staggering 70% of Americans are fed up with our political system that only works for insiders with money and power. Together we can seize this moment to build a people-powered campaign that will make history. All we have to do is let our neighbors know that they have a real choice.
We’ve never had a better opportunity - or a more urgent need - to come together for the greater good. I hope you’ll consider supporting my campaign to give Mainers a Senator for the people. 
Please help our grassroots campaign get on the ballot by pledging to sign our ballot petition and donating to our ballot fund!

We’re running a people-powered campaign without corporate money, which means we rely on support from real people like you and me.
We also have many ways to volunteer, depending on where you live and the time, talents and energy you have to offer. We need your help to build a grassroots movement that can make history.
Together, we can create a Maine and a nation that works for all of us!
Lisa Savage
Solon, Maine

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