
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Still protesting on Jeju Island

The daily protest outside the U.S. forced Navy base in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea continues.  It has now been over 12 and one-half years of unrelenting struggle.  Currently the activists there are additionally opposing the construction of a second airport and Air Force base near the naval base.

The Catholic mass continues each day just across from the navy base.

Sacred Mount Halla in the distance viewed from Gangjeong village

After the Catholic mass participants march to the front gate of the Navy base to hold signs/banners, sing and dance.  Some days just a few are there.  Other days many come to join in.  The determination to reject U.S. provocative use of Jeju Island as a military platform for domination of China, North Korea and Russia remains strong. 

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