
Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Is it time to wake up & mobilize for peace yet folks?

The U.S. usually likes to attack countries that can't fight back very effectively. Picking on Iran was not such a good idea - they can and will fight back.

If the Pentagon can't handle Afghanistan how do they think they can take on Iran?

Kiss another couple trillion $$$ bye-bye America! You think our roads, bridges, sewer & water systems are bad now, just wait a few more years......

The Pentagon has sent six B-52 bombers to their base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean to engage in military operations against Iran.

The United States has many military bases surrounding Iran, but this time they have chosen Diego Garcia because the distance exceeds the maximum range that Iranian missiles can cover.

The American military base has existed in Diego Garcia for about 50 years and there are currently between 3,000 and 5,000 US troops on the island.

Is it time to wake up and mobilize for peace yet folks?


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