
Thursday, January 16, 2020

I Was Treated by a Donetsk Doctor

Mum, I’m a prisoner, but you don’t cry.
I was darned, now like new.
I was treated by a Donetsk doctor,
Tired, dour, and harsh.

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

He treated me. Do you hear mother:
I hit the city from “Grad”,
And half the hospital was simply trashed
But he was treating me: “It is so necessary.”

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

Mum, I’m a monster, I’m sorry.
We got lost in the floods of lies.
All my life I have to bear this cross.
Now my eyes have opened.

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

We were taken to the places
Where the shells hit.
And we did not believe our eyes:
What have we done to Donbass!

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

The hospitals are full of the wounded.
Everyone curses Kiev here.
Father, whiter than the canvas,
Shakes the dead child

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

Mother, I am a monster and executioner.
And there is no terrorist here, mum.
There is only a human groan and cry,
And for them we are worse than the Nazis.

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

We, mum, were sent for slaughter,
The battalion commander had no pity for us.
The militia shouted at me: “Wait!
On the floor, milksop!”, and then foul language.

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

He did not want to shoot me.
He is a Man, and I am a killer.
He brought me out from the battle! Do you hear,
mother, me – the cruel blood drinker of Donbass!

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

Mum, I’m a prisoner, but you don’t cry.
I was darned, now like new.
I was treated by a Donetsk doctor,
Tired, dour, and harsh.

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

He was fulfilling a medical duty,
While I, burning from shame,
Was able to think for the first time:
Who needs a war like this?

God, have mercy on me; God, forgive me

Song performed by Yuliya Slavyanskaya

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