
Saturday, November 30, 2019

What is the role of the military?

Global Network board member and Iraq & Afghanistan war veteran Will Griffin doing a fascinating review of his recent round of talks to high school students in New York City.

I think you will learn alot from Will's presentation.

He also comments on the current state of education in the schools where cutbacks and reductions in teaching staffs are having real impact on what kids know these days.  Is this dumbing down of American citizens just by chance or is it a systematic program?

Who does it benefit when the American people don't know their own history or contemporary foreign policy?

I can promise you that these kids left this presentation by Will with their heads spinning.  I think it is safe to say that this was a life-changing experience for most of them.

Will produces videos at an amazing rate and has a video channel where you can see all of them.  It's called The Peace Report which you can find here.

We need more activists like Will Griffin.  You should consider offering a donation to him at his Peace Report site.  He's a good one.


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