
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What does the opposition party stand for?

Comedian Jimmy Dore pushes back on impeachment/Ukrainegate, Hillary Clinton’s smear of Tulsi Gabbard as a Russian asset, the DNC’s 2020 gift-wrapping for Trump, and more.

These are all important questions as we rush head-long into the 2020 elections.

Aaron Maté interviews Jimmy.

Jimmy is more courageous than many 'commentators' out there today and he is funny as well.  One could call it 'political entertainment'.

I'm a big fan of Jimmy Dore and watch all of his videos.  His viewing numbers are growing and recently he's being interviewed by 'serious' journalists which shows that he's become so popular that they want to be associated with him - hoping his popularity will rub off on them a bit.

It is quite a statement about life in America that you have to listen to a comedian to get your news - or at least a real honest take on the news.

But we take what we can get these days.  


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