
Tuesday, January 01, 2019

House is officially sold

Mary Beth, Karen and I outside of the Addams-Melman House in Bath some years ago

MB and I finished up the last of our work to move out of the house in Bath on Sunday.  It's been a daily process for at least the past month.  Going from a 15-room house (where we lived with friend Karen and others for the past 12 years) to a small apartment will be a big change for us.

The movers came on Saturday in the snow (which turned to rain) and they expertly stuffed our worldly possessions into a 10 X 10 foot UHAUL storage container in Brunswick.

We are presently staying with a friend in Brunswick until the renovations on our rental apartment are complete - hopefully soon.  The new place is an old farmhouse which was added onto in typical Maine style over the years as the original family grew in size.  Now the farmhouse has several apartments in it with ours being on the 2nd floor.  The landlady, who we like alot, is having the bathroom and kitchen redone after discovering a bad leak in the plumbing.  So we wait for the work to get finished before we move in.

We signed the final house sale papers on New Year's eve and the new owner, a young mother with a young son, handed us gifts.  She had previously brought a lovely card to our house saying that she will try to carry on the spirit of the Addams-Melman House (AMH).  The woman had been living in an off-the-grid house in northern Vermont woods with her son but wanted him to be exposed to more people as he grew up.  So lucky for us she landed in Bath.

She was the first of five people who came to look at the house soon after we put it up for sale.  She has a day care provider license and is considering doing home child care from the house - exactly what was happening before we bought it 12 years ago.  So she has a vision and we are happy that it all worked out for everyone.

I already asked her if she'd mind if I came over in the spring and helped stack firewood.  She kindly said yes.  I will miss all things connected to the wood and the fireplace.

Knowing how much I will miss the two wood stoves in our (now former) house MB found an 11-hour video on the Internet of a crackling fire that I can watch online when I feel the need.

It's an end of an era but the heart of the AMH will live on in all of us.

Our phone number will be changing but we won't know the new number until we move into the apartment.



  1. Bruce, I'm just catching up to your post on Mary Beth's FB page, about your move. Congrats on finding the right new home, sounds cozy, minus a fire for you to tend. I left a PM on Messenger for MB asking what was happening but I've searched back wards and found your blog post about moving. Wasn't sure about Karen's health situation but sounds like she will be well taken care of and close to Bath. Marti Collins and I talk on the phone often and I have an intention to finally visit Massachusetts and Maine in 2019, God Willing. I am so very grateful to have been a brief part of AMH and gotten to know all of you. I rarely feel connected to folks but the love and sense of true community at the "Peace House" was a memory gift I will always treasure. Would you mind giving Mary Beth a message for me, when things settle a bit, that my daughter Sat Hari is 7 months on a deep journey of sobriety after a hard couple years. New Mexico Medicaid was her ground and saving grace providing and excellent female doc who had won her trust and continues to be her medical anchor. Healthcare, Healthcare such a basic need. New Mexico is not too proud to use Federal money for its healthcare. Of course there's more to the state's story but at least NM Medicaid has helped my family find healing and sanity. Good health care providers like to live in this beautiful sate. Thanks for y'all having such open hearts. Best Regards, Sutprem

  2. Great to hear from you Sutprem. I will make sure MB sees your message. Glad to hear about your daughter. Karen is now living in Brunswick with her daughter in an apartment. She had a stroke 2 years ago and needs care. Look forward to seeing you again.

  3. Among other ways you, MB and Karen have been beacons of light in our lives is the willing way you embrace change. So happy to hear that the woman who purchased A-M House appreciates the spirit of love that is present there. Can't wait to see what your latest phase brings! Much love from us in Solon.
