
Monday, January 08, 2018

Militarism: It comes from violence-based solutions......

Very beautiful words by Matt Hoh in this short video.

“It’s no coincidence the day Trump announces the largest weapons deal to Saudi Arabia - $300 Billion - is the same day his people in the White House say they’re going to cut Medicaid and Food Stamps by $700 Billion. But as a person, on an individual level, the experience you go through is hell. It’s an emotional destruction that I can’t begin to explain. It’s why so many guys put pistols in their mouths to end it.”

-Matthew Hoh, Veterans For Peace

Matthew had nearly twelve years experience with America’s wars overseas with the US Marine Corps, Department of Defense and State Department. In 2009 he resigned a diplomatic post in protest of Afghan War policy including large U.S. troop deployments - the surge. He won the Ridenhour Truth-Telling Prize.

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