
Friday, January 05, 2018

Jury selection today for Aegis 9 trial

On April 1, 2017 another Aegis destroyer was 'christened' at Bath Iron Works (BIW) here in Maine.  Nine of us were arrested as we protested outside the public entrance gate of the shipyard.

Today we spent the entire day at the court for jury selection which will continue on Tuesday, January 9 at 1:00 pm in the West Bath District Court (New Meadows Road).  Three hundred people were in the jury pool and had to fill out a questionnaire that included their connection to BIW and their views on civil disobedience.  They saw us sitting in front of the jury box so we know many had to do some thinking about what protest happened at BIW and why.  Forty-one local citizens will be picked from the larger pool and the prosecutor and our side will choose the jury from that lot.

The trial is now tentatively set for February 1-2 at the Sagadahoc County Courthouse in Bath.

The ‘Aegis 9’ 

1. Lisa Savage – Solon, 60 years, School teacher
2. Jason Rawn – Lincolnville, 45, War tax resister, house painter
3. Bruce Gagnon – Bath, 65, VFP (Veterans For Peace & Global Network)
4. Natasha Mayers – Whitefield, 70, Artist
5. Bob Dale – Brunswick, 92, VFP, retired Navy pilot
6. Mike Tork – Cape Cod, MA, 69, VFP, former Navy Vietnam vet
7. Mark Roman – Solon, 69, Woodworker
8. Russell Wray – Hancock, 61, Artist
9. Jessica Stewart – Bass Harbor, 37, Catholic Worker activist

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