
Thursday, December 07, 2017

Stop $60 million subsidy to General Dynamics from Maine treasury

The latest edition of This Issue features Orlando Delogu, emeritus Professor of Law at the University of Southern Maine Law School. Orlando discusses the outrageous request by General Dynamics/BIW for a $60 million tax subsidy for their operations in Bath. Orlando sued General Dynamics in 1997 when they asked, and received, a similar subsidy from the state of Maine in the amount of $197 million. Orlando writes a regular column in The Forecaster weekly newspaper that is available throughout much of the state. He urges all Maine citizens to contact their state legislators immediately to share your feelings about this proposed tax subsidy.
This Issue has been on public access TV in Maine since December 2003 and is produced by Eric Herter.  Camera work for this edition of This Issue was done by Peter Woodruff and Dan Ellis while Eric worked in the control booth.

This Issue runs each week during the following days/times on Brunswick's Cable TV Channel 3
Wed  6:00 pm
Friday  2:30 pm
Sat  2:01 am
Sunday  8:30 pm

This Issue also runs on Bath, Harpswell, Portland, Phippsburg, Freeport, Madison, Skowhegan, Anson, North Anson, Solon, Belfast, South Portland, New Castle, and Biddeford public access cable TV at random times.  Check local listings. 

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