
Friday, November 03, 2017

No Trump in South Korea! No War!

Protests against Trump's visit to South Korea are being banned by the new so-called 'liberal' Moon government.

But on the folks go anyway..... it is a very moving video - particularly the women's words near the end where she says, "We are living in Korea with no sovereign power."

The South Korean government, since its creation by the US after the end of WW II, has always been an appendage of Washington.  The people in South Korea know that reunification and peace will never happen on the Korean peninsula as long as the US government controls their fate.

Especially at a time when the US views South Korea as nothing more than a forward deployed military outpost for US forces actually aimed at China and Russia.


1 comment:

  1. The puppets are being urged by the people they allegedly represent to break their strings and walk away free.
