
Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Keep Space for Peace Week Final Events List

October 7-14, 2017

Keep Space for Peace Week

International Week of Protest to
Stop the Militarization of Space

No Missile Defense
Close U.S. Bases Worldwide
No to NATO
Stop Drones Surveillance & Killing
End Privatization of Foreign/Military Policy
Convert the Military Industrial Complex
Deal with climate change and global poverty

•    Albuquerque, New Mexico (Oct 18) Showing John Pilger’s new film The Coming War on China at Peace Center at 6:00 pm.  
•    Andover, Massachusetts (Oct 12) Vigil from 7:00-8:00 am in front of Raytheon,
350 Lowell St. (Rte 133) Organized by Merrimack Valley People for Peace, Friends Meeting Lawrence & VFP or
•    Bath Iron Works, Maine (Oct 7) Vigil across from administration building on Washington Street (Navy Aegis destroyers outfitted with “missile defense” systems built at BIW) 11:30-12:30 am   Smilin’ Trees Disarmament Farm (207) 763-4062
•    Bath-Brunswick, Maine (Oct 13-21) 6th Maine Peace Walk will focus on conversion of Bath Iron Works with twice daily vigils at the shipyard and door-to-door leafleting. Sponsored by many groups in Maine and Massachusetts.
•    Bath, Maine (Oct 21) Finale event of Maine Peace Walk with music/speakers/food at Waterfront Park in downtown Bath from noon til 2:00 pm.
•    Belfast, Maine (Oct 7) Put up space week posters and hold ‘Stop Militarization of Space’ signs on Resistance Corner. Peace and Justice Group of Waldo County
•    Berkeley, California (Oct 7) Gar Smith Book Release: Militarism & the War on the Environment at 7:30 PM at Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (194 Cedar St). A long-time activist with rich experience in a range of movements, Gar will analyze the devastating consequences of the military-industrial complex on the environment. Gar brings an urgent focus on the damage military violence inflicts on regional—and global—ecosystems. He will be joined by Haley Pederson of CODEPINK: Women for Peace and Paul Cox of Veterans for Peace.
•    Brunswick, Maine (Oct 12) Showing of new film Village versus Empire by South African filmmaker about new Navy base on Jeju Island that is porting US warships viewed through the eyes of Shaman artist Dohee Lee.  Sponsored by PeaceWorks at the Frontier CafĂ© & Cinema.  7:30 pm Tickets $8.
•    Brunswick, Maine (Oct 17) Maine Peace Walk will walk to nearby Brunswick and hold pot luck supper and evening program on impact of Bath Iron Works on the local environment, economy, ports-of-call overseas and the need for conversion of the shipyard to build appropriate sustainable systems.  Hosted by Unitarian Church, supper at 6:00 pm.
•    Colorado Springs, Colorado (Oct 9) Vigil at Peterson AFB at 3:30 pm.  A copy of the recent UN treaty banning nuclear weapons will be presented to base personnel. Peterson AFB is home to Air Force Space Command.
•    Colorado Springs, Colorado (Oct 10) Vigil at Schriever AFB at 3:30 pm.  Again a copy of the UN treaty will be presented to base personnel.  Schriever is home of the 50th Space Wing of the Air Force Space Command provides command and control for over 170 warning, navigational, and communications satellites. Also housed at Schriever AFB are the Missile Defense Integration & Operations Center and the Air Force Warfare Center. Schriever AFB is the main control point for the Global Positioning System (GPS).
•    Creech AFB, Nevada (Oct 5-12) San Francisco CODEPINK is planning a week of resistance at Killer Drone Base.
•    USAF Croughton, England (Oct 7) March & Rally at U.S. satellite communication and intelligence base. Space communications, drones, bomber guidance, missile defence and command & control functions.  (Also will be the site of Global Network’s 26th annual meeting in 2018) 12-4 pm. Oxfordshire Peace Campaign,
•    Davis Monthan AFB, Arizona (Oct 10) Vigil at Craycroft Road entrance (at Golf Links Road) from 7:00 – 8:00 am.  Remotely piloting UAV's from the base that are firing guided bombs and missiles and killing more civilians than targeted "terrorists" in Afghanistan, Iraq Syria, Pakistan and possibly more sovereign nations.  A-10 warplanes that train at the base are responsible for the vast majority of radioactive Depleted Uranium ammunition - estimated at well over 400 tons - used in Iraq since 1991.  More info: 520-323-869
•    Fort Meade, Maryland (Oct 14) The Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore will go to the National Security Agency to protest illegal surveillance and its involvement in drone strikes at noon.  Our main message will be to call for the immediate release of Reality Winner, the NSA whistleblower.  Those interested in joining the action should contact Max at 410-323-1607 or mobuszewski2001 at Comcast dot net
•    Gangjeong, Jeju Island, South Korea (Oct 7-14)  Picketing, educating, expressing solidarity with the people of Seongju and Gimcheon against THAAD,  in front of the Jeju navy base, sponsored by the Anti-naval base committee, Gangjeong Village
•    Gangjeong, Jeju Island, South Korea (Oct 9) Discussion on the "Keep Space for Peace week and military industry’, as a part of an event on the issue of Military Industry organized by People Making the Jeju, Peace Island to Be Demilitarized.   (
•    Gimcheon, South Korea (Oct 7-14) Nightly candlelight vigil against US deployment of THAAD missile defense system near their community (Gimcheon train station). The Gimcheon nightly candle vigil hit its one year anniversary on Aug. 20, 2017
•    Kalkar & Essen, Germany (Oct 3 & 7) A demonstration on Oct 7th in Essen against the annual NATO Joint Air and Space Power Conference (for strategic planning of air warfare, including nuclear) will  be preceded by a demonstration on Oct. 3rd at the German military base & NATO Command Center in nearby Kalkar.  Major peace organizations of the Rhein/Ruhr regions (including Pax Christi, WRI, and Easter March) have issued the call for these actions. A national planning meeting of German peace organizations will follow in Essen on Oct 8.  More information: and
•    King of Prussia, Pennsylvania (Oct 14) Noon, Keep Space 4 Peace meet-up at Lockheed Martin, 230 Mall Boulevard (Mall & Goddard Boulevards). L-M builds the remote-controlled drones, the satellites that direct the drones, and the Hellfire missiles fired from drones.
•    Kyoto, Japan (Oct 7) Dismantle U.S. X-band missile defense radar base and remove out of  Kyoto.  A gathering for the solidarity with people of Okinawa and Korean's anti-THAAD movement, 13:00-15:00, Citizen's Action Centre  Higashiyama Ward, and 15:30-17:00 Demonstration march to Koto City Hall. Contact: 090-1590-9469 (Mr. Yamamoto)
•    Largo, Florida (Oct 7) Pax Christi Tampa Bay and Peace First will demonstrate at the Young-Rainey Star Center on corner of Bryan Dairy and Belcher Roads in mid-Pinellas County, site of a Raytheon plant (map here).  Raytheon is the prime contractor for THAAD’s ‘missile defense’ radar, and is the fourth largest weapons contractor in the world.
•    Madison, WI (Oct 11) Madison Pledge of Resistance and other groups organizing action at Sen. Tammy Baldwin’s office, asking her to withdraw her support for F-35 Fighter Jets coming to be housed in Madison, and to disavow the program being continued anywhere else.  This boondoggle will cost $1.45 trillion before it is over.  Sen. Baldwin’s office - 30 West Mifflin Street, Suite 700, Madison at 4:00 pm.  We will gather on the sidewalk outside the office before going in.
•    Menwith Hill, England (Oct 10) Demonstration at U.S. NSA/NRO Spy Base in Yorkshire.  6-7:30 pm.   Sponsored by Yorkshire CND and the Menwith Hill Accountability Campaign outside the main gate.
•    Mumbai, India (Oct 10) World Without Wars and Star Wars. Dr. Leo Rebello, World Peace Envoy, to address and listen to 100 invited Peace Activists and We are the World Believers.
•    Nagpur, India (Oct 7) Space week Awareness programme at the M. S. Institute of Social Work, Ms. Suparna Deshpande will organise.
•    Nagpur, India (Oct 8) Space week Protest demonstration organised by the Railway Pensioners Organisation and members of the Global Network.
•    Nainpur, India (Oct 10) Space Awareness presentation by J. Narayana Rao at Government High School and Gyan Jyoti College.
•    Nainpur, India (Oct 11) Space Awareness presentation by J. Narayana Rao at Adarsh High School and Railway Junior College.
•    New York, New York (Oct 7) An 11:30 am vigil at Washington Square Park followed at noontime with a solemn procession along University Place to Union Square.  There we will join the already-in-progress Yemen vigil on the steps at 14th Street. The message will cover the 16th anniversary of the Afghanistan invasion, the threats to North Korea, weapons in space and all current U.S. wars and so-called "missions." WRL has set up a FB event page at
•    Niscemi, Sicily (Oct 7) Inaugurate the new No MUOS (US Navy satellite communications system) venue and celebrate the international week of anti-militaristic initiatives of Keep Space for Peace Week
•    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Oct 7) Silent vigil in Center City representing the deaths of those killed by drones.  As street theater, we remain silent, wearing masks and black clothing.  Please come out for one hour to let people on the street know we do not support ENDLESS WARS, using U.S. DRONES, other powerful weapons and U.S. military on the ground and in space. Meeting at 12th & Arch Street from 11:45 am to 12:45. Call Marge Van Cleef at 203-804-3013.
•    Seongju, South Korea (Oct 7-14) Nightly candlelight vigil against US deployment of THAAD missile defense system near their community (a parking lot across from the Seongju County Office)  The Seongju nightly candle vigil hit its one year anniversary as of July 13, 2017.
•    Soseong-ri, Seongju, South Korea (Oct 7-14) Soseong-ri in Seongju is located just next to Gimcheon. It is a small village lived by around 160 people - mostly elderly women and men farming melons. The residents and their supporters have been protesting day and night since the former Lotte Skyhill Country Club site in Soseong-ri was discussed as the planned THAAD deployment site in August, last year. A radar and two launchers of THAAD system were forcefully deployed in the former LCC on April 26, this year. And deployment of additional four THAAD launchers were enforced on Sept 7. On the day, 500 people resisted for 18 hours. Even after the completion of THAAD deployment, people in Soseong-ri are continuing their daily protest demanding the removal of THAAD. They also hold a regular rally every Wednesday in front of Soseong-ri village hall, which started on Nov 30, 2016. Recently a man named Cho Young-sam immolated himself against THAAD in Seoul on Sept. 19. On the day of his funeral on Sept. 23, a procession in memory of his will against THAAD was extended to Soseong-ri, too.
•    Sydney, Australia (Oct 13) No ‘Missile Defence’ Rally at the Defence Plaza 270 Pitt St at noon.  Australian Anti-Bases Campaign & Independent & Peaceful Australia Network
•    Vandenberg AFB, California (Oct 4) Keep Space for Peace vigil at space warfare base at the Main Gate from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm.  For information contact Dennis Apel at 805-343-6322.
•    Visakhapatnam, India (Oct 9) Workshop on 'Peace Communication' at Dept of Journalism & Mass Communication of Andhra University as part of Global Network's Peace week. Organizing Team: Dr. Challa Ramakrishna, HOD, Journalism Dept and Mr. Krishnaveer Abhishek Challa, Soft Skills Trainer of AU.
•    Washington DC (Oct 10) The Pentagon: Tuesday at 7-8 AM. Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Keep Space for Peace Week vigil where we will hold signs with that theme.
•    Washington DC (Oct 13) The White House: Friday at 12 Noon –1:00 PM. Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Keep Space for Peace Week vigil where we will hold signs with that theme.
•    Weld County, Colorado (Oct 7) Vigil at Nuclear missile silo N-8 in Weld County at 1 pm, the site of historic plowshares action 15 years ago by Sisters Ardeth Platte and Carol Gilbert.

Keep Space for Peace Week co-sponsored by: Anti-naval base Committee of Gangjeong village, Jeju Island, South Korea; US Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea & Militarism in Asia & the Pacific; Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom; Global Action Against Military Bases; NoDalMolin (Italy)


· Space videos for viewing and sharing available at:

·  Latest Global Network Space Alert newsletter at:

·  John Pilger’s new film The Coming War on China For screenings, contact Bullfrog Films 

· Village versus Empire film about Jeju Island through the eyes of shaman artist by South African filmmaker Mark Kaplan.  Order DVD by contacting  

· New Documentary ‘BLUE BUTTERFLY EFFECT’ deals with the Anti-THAAD movement that broke out in South Korea last year. The film had its world premiere at Jeonju International Film Festival where it won Best Documentary Award. You can see film trailer (in Korean) at  To get film in English please write to filmmaker Emmanuel Moonchil Park to make arrangements.  His email is
·  Global Action Against Military Bases

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