
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Carry the Peace Flag

On Tuesday we walked from Bath to Brunswick.  In front of the runway at the former Navy base in Brunswick we stopped and I told a story about being on the Jeju Island Grand March for Life and Peace two summers ago.  (Ken Jones and Will Griffin, both here in Maine now, were there too.) Many hundreds of Koreans of all ages joined that walk around the island - one team going east and the other west and then they met up for a big finale event at the end.

During each walking day the organizers stop the Jeju march and ask various organizations represented with their large flags on long poles to run along the line of peace marchers. The crowd cheers as they run back and forth in the intense South Korean summer heat.

I asked Joyakgol from Jeju Island to show us how it is done.  Then he was followed by John Morris (80 years old) from Maine who was carrying the Veterans For Peace flag.

Enjoy it....


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