
Monday, October 30, 2017

Aegis 9 Court dates - jury selection and trial

Jury selection for the upcoming Aegis 9 trial will be held on Thursday, Nov 9 at 8:30 am at the West Bath District Court (101 New Meadows Rd).

The court has also set preliminary trial dates between November 13 through December 1. The trial is expected to last for two days.

The public is invited to any and all of these court dates.

The Aegis 9 were arrested at BIW on April 1, 2017 during a ‘christening’ ceremony of another destroyer at the shipyard.

Those arrested were calling for the conversion of BIW to build commuter rail, solar, wind turbines and tidal power systems to help us immediately deal with the coming ravages of global warming.

The ‘Aegis 9’ 

1. Lisa Savage – Solon, 60 years, School teacher
2. Jason Rawn – Lincolnville, 45, War tax resister, house painter
3. Bruce Gagnon – Bath, 65, VFP (Veterans For Peace & Global Network)
4. Natasha Mayers – Whitefield, 70, Artist
5. Bob Dale – Brunswick, 92, VFP, retired Navy pilot
6. Mike Tork – Cape Cod, MA, 69, VFP, former Navy Vietnam vet
7. Mark Roman – Solon, 69, Woodworker
8. Russell Wray – Hancock, 61, Artist
9. Jessica Stewart – Bass Harbor, 37, Catholic Worker activist

For more info: 443-9502

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