
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Trial of Zumwalt 12 Starts Feb. 1 in Bath

Trial of the Zumwalt 12 is scheduled to begin February 1st at 9:00 a.m. in Sagadahoc Superior Court in Bath (752 High Street) and is expected to last 2 days. 

Members of the group were arrested on June 18th of last year for blocking the road in front of Bath Iron Works during the ‘christening’ of the USS Michael Mansour, a $4 billion ‘stealth’ destroyer.   They are charged with “obstructing a public way”, a class E. misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of $2000 fine and 6 months in county jail.  

Arrested and charged were: Bruce Gagnon (Bath); Cynthia Howard (Biddeford); Dud Hendrick (Deer Isle); Connie Jenkins (Orono); Tarak Kauff (Woodstock, NY); Richard Lethem (Bath); John Morris (New Gloucester); George Ostensen (Hope); Joan Peck (Brunswick); John Peck (Brunswick); Jason Rawn (Lincolnville); and Russell Wray (Hancock). 

Bar Harbor attorney Lynne Williams has provided legal counsel to the group throughout the case and is attorney-of-record for Joan Peck.  The remaining defendants will represent themselves. 

Members of the Zumwalt 12 stress how important the support from people in the peace and justice community has been over the past few months and hope that many folks will be able to come out for the trial.

Lynne Williams reminds everyone that leafletting at the court house is not permitted, to avoid any appearance of attempting to influence jurors.  However, signs and banners are allowed on public property.

By Connie Jenkins

1 comment:

  1. With you on Feb. 1 in spirit, and will keep sharing Zumwalt 12 news.
