
Sunday, January 08, 2017

Great Wedding Moment

There is a great tradition that we witnessed during Julian and Emily's wedding.  The parents and bride and groom go from table to table to have a toast with the people.  Each table can ask the groom to do a particular thing - one table for example had him drain a full glass of wine in one chug.

Julian is a debate coach in Taipei and a group of his students and their moms made the trip south for the wedding.  When we reached their table one of the moms told Julian to stand on a chair and then she gave Emily a raw egg and instructed her to run the egg up the inside of one of Julian's pants legs, cross over to the other side, and then go down the inside of the other pant leg without breaking the egg.

It was the most hilarious thing to watch as Emily very carefully moved the egg up the inside of the pants leg and when she reached his groin the students and their moms were howling in laughter as she gingerly negotiated the egg across to the other side of the pants.

Later Emily said she was very careful the whole time because she did not want to mess up Julian's pants.

It meant alot to Julian that some of his students and moms came so far south to the wedding.  When a brief slide show about the couple was shown the kids cheered at the baby pictures of Julian that appeared on the huge screen.

Julian, with his dry sense of humor, was a good sport through the entire ordeal.

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