
Saturday, December 03, 2016

North Dakota Officials Shaking in their Shoes as Vets Arrive at Standing Rock

Led by veteran and former Baltimore Sargent Michael A Wood Jr and Wes Clark Jr, veteran and son of General Wesley Clark, a group of veterans are traveling to North Dakota in order to stand with water protectors against the police who are committing state-sanctioned violence in defense of corporate profits.

It now appears that North Dakota officials are backing off their demand that the Standing Rock camp be closed by December 3 or else people would be forcibly removed.  Now that 2,000 ex-military veterans are descending on Standing Rock the governor of North Dakota (an agent of the oil industry) is backing off his demands - at least for now.  Let's see what they do once the vets leave......

During the past week Ace Hardware stores in Bismarck, North Dakota have refused to sell Native Americans camping supplies for Standing Rock.  Word got out around the country and online petitions cranked up with thousands of signatures declaring support for a national boycott of Ace Hardware.  Quickly Ace Hardware declared that all Bismarck stores will in fact serve Native Americans once again showing that when we unite and work together corporate power will cave in due to their love for maximum profits.

Keep pushing the rock - let's get it up the hill and have it roll down the other side and crush corporate capitalism......


1 comment:

  1. We need to act all kinds of up, demonstrations in every state and especially the larger towns.

    What the National Guard is still trying to pull in North Dakota is isolation of the protests on the one site. Kettling or ghetto like in Warsaw Ghetto. Got Community Issues? Air them out now.

    The British, prior to the Will and Kate marriage, were imposing Austerity Measures because the Real Estate Bubble and the underlying Global War On People Running Their Own Damn Countries As They See Fit, had broken the Capitalist Model yet another time.

    In the midst of that mess the Royals were throwing a massively expensive Private Wedding at Public Expense. There were demonstrations not only in every large city in Britain but several at a time in London. Students protesting the cuts in tuition assistance were the ones who almost pulled the Royals out of their car. The cops were trying to kettle that one demonstration but there were so many simultaneous demos across London, it broke the kettle.

    The Royals claim it was an assassination attempt by the Anarchists, but, hey, I know a couple of London Anarchists and they don't play around. They probably would have gotten roughed up.

    Point being, aside from this being a week away from the anniversary of that event
    10 DEC 2010,the "authorities" have some heavy military equipment BUT it's very widely distributed. Likewise personnel, They're trying to rule the world, like the Navy recruiters commercials. Spread all around the world

    It's like the Doors song "they got the guns but we got the numbers"
    It's not easy but it is possible. Currently the military are getting their asses rolled up into one collective ass and people In Countries With No Air Forces Or Navies or for that matter any modern military high-tech doo-dads are proceeding to kick that collective ass. And that's on the foreign side.

    And as much as the Armed Forces have been training for domestic uprisings, they're still people. Sure, some are gung-ho about everything but ... mutiny is in the air.

    The soldiers can and have done in the past refused to fire on fellow Americans.

    So break the isolation.
