
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Weed Killer in Cheerios

A complete US media blackout continues on this breaking information... Monsanto’s bestselling weedkiller has been found in alarming levels in Cheerios, Stacy’s Pita Chips, Oreos, Goldfish, Ritz crackers, Doritos and a whole lot more. It's made the front page in Europe but what about here?

Levels found in these product are well above the levels found by independent peer-reviewed studies which show that ultra-low levels of glyphosate can cause organ damage starting at 0.1 parts per billion (ppb). This is 1,750 times lower than what the EPA currently claims is safe. The highest levels detected were found in General Mills' Cheerios, which were simply off the charts, at 1,125.3 ppb or nearly twice the level considered potentially harmful according to the latest scientific research in a single serving for young children.

As a result, we’re calling on the EPA Inspector General to investigate the agency’s failure to properly test and regulate glyphosate, end the practice of pre-harvest spraying of Roundup as a drying agent and release ALL of the industry data submitted to federal agencies, but kept hidden from the American public as "trade secrets."

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