
Monday, November 28, 2016

Hedges at Standing Rock

On a special edition of On Contact, Chris Hedges travels to the Standing Rock encampment in North Dakota to listen to the frontline voices of those fighting to block the Dakota Access Pipeline.

1 comment:

  1. Tom M Culhane11/29/16, 8:31 AM

    See my comment in previous article about overpopulation first.

    As the human overpopulation continues to explode out of control, while people refuse to change their lifestyles, the demand for oil only increases. People want that oil, as long as it goes thru someone else's backyard or ocean.

    As scary as the establishment is with its Trumps, Clintons, Bushes... it's the common man, flooding his mind with media cartel swill, bringing his kids to establishment schools and establishment religions, producing the next generation of flag-waving robots, that scares me even more.
