
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Era of Fossil Fuels is Coming to an End

There's a revolution happening in Standing Rock, at the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ camp, and across the country. Over 200 indigenous American nations and 6,000 people have travelled to the community in an unprecedented act of solidarity. Catalyzed by the fight against Dakota Access Pipeline, Native American tribes are protecting their water, but even more, protecting their sovereignty in the face of a colonialist State. In a time when we still celebrate Christopher Columbus, violent colonizer, the indigenous rights movement is more important than ever.


  1. Bruce,
    I sent a couple of emails and commented on your start and the beauty of the area you're in. I know you said you had limited access to the net. I figured once you're back, you would get the emails.
    I will wait to send you any other articles till your walk is complete. I hope you've caught 'your second wind' by now and are well on your way.
    All the best,

  2. At about the middle of the video, I found that I had my fist in the air in the power salute.
    If I wasn't sitting I would have been dancing.

    It's going international and intercontinental. In South Africa there's protest going on, students against the Chamber of Mines.
    The fees for the education the people themselves are paying, and a lot of other contractual obligations of the Mineral Extraction industry.

    The same as the promises made by the Same Villains, the Trickle Down Economics "rising tide lifts all boats" benefits we've been waiting for generations to trickle down to us.

    Like has been promised to the Tribes. I guess the opportunity we're promised is the opportunity to clean up THEIR mess at OUR expense.

    And they're promising many more such opportunities. Earth is a living organism and even sentient. Some would say 'only in the aggregate' but that's all there is to begin with, the symbiotic bond between all that lives, and even the minerals, the grains of sand and the rocks and the water.

    The Bible refers to it, the rocks cry out.
